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Writer's pictureLet The Love Revolve

Aped Flair And Hijacked Ideas - An ambitious and well-rounded album (Clash Magazine)

Black Market Karma's tenth album, Aped Flair & Hijacked Ideas, is now available on Flower Power Records .

We're very excited that this new album is finally here.

The album is available on both digital and vinyl formats.

A colourful carousel of jingle jangle and distorted wobble, this album has an almost aquatic texture to it with instruments that sound like they've been drinking at the beach. In Stan's own words the Fuzz guitar that appears throughout the record is "like the sound of a pissed Octopus, stumbling around a coral reef looking for a good time'

Go here to buy the record on beautiful orange and blue vinyl

Go here to buy the digital version in high quality wavs

Here's trailer of the album

Here's track 1 from side C - The Sunshine Maker


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